Sunday, November 7, 2010

something old to something new... t-shirt upcyle project

We all have those well-loved t-shirts hanging out in the back of our closets and drawers, the ones with sentimental value that just don't fit, or fit in,  anymore. I just finally threw out a  1994 Alaska Cross Country State championships tee that was seriously hanging in rags.  But what about those shirts that are still in good shape but just aren't getting worn anymore? My friend Amy sent me the pattern for this super cute baby sleeper which came from this awesome site:
I had to try it out!
For posterity: the cocoa puffs t-shirt is one that Loren saved box tops for and sent in to get a free t-shirt (and he did this while in college lol! I guess he really is cookoo for cocoa puffs!) The other is a screen printed tuxedo tee that my awesome artsy friend Anne made.  The sleepers were super easy to sew and you can cut the bottoms and sleeves in a way that the t-shirt hems become the baby garment hems.  The pattern actually calls for putting elastic in the bottom, but honestly, if you have a kicky little Chuck Norris like I do, the sleeper will end up around their middle by the end of the night anyway... so why bother with the elastic.  I give this t-shirt upcycle project an enthusiastic 2 thumbs up because...
I want to be formal... but I came here to party!


  1. Love it! Send it to me please!

  2. I love easy sewing projects like this... please forward the pdf, thank you so much!

  3. Hey Ladies- I will email you the pdfs- but for the record I just noticed that they are copyrighted, so I put a link to the owners web page in the post...she has a free tutorial, so I don't think she would mind my emailing them to you, bu just wanted to be sure to give credit where credit is due! :)
